I’ve always loved drawing inspiration and reading discussions on this platform, whether small or more complex parenting topics. So I wanted to pop in here and quickly ask a very profound question; what subscription-based delivery services does your family use that you would recommend? Ha! Serious question.
I’m curious if there are any subscription-based services out there I didn’t know existed that might make my life a little easier now. With COVID-19 and an increased workload, it’s not as easy to simply pop into a store to grab a box of diapers or a gallon of milk. I love the idea of certain things regularly appearing on my doorstep without having to think about it.
Does anyone have any experience with Thrive? We were long-time Honest Company members when I had two kids in diapers. I’m thinking about rebooting their diaper subscription for my youngest and considering their household product subscription.
I’ve mentioned before that we did Lola Art Box this summer and would be open to suggestions on the kid’s front. About bi-monthly we get an Imperfect Foods Box (love this concept so much) and love our local fishmonger’s seafood CSA.
Any diaper or household product subscriptions you can’t live without? Any companies offering pantry items (thinking grains, dried beans, good quality olive oil, nuts, mustard) toiletries, feminine products? I am all ears! Or I guess, eyes, I should say.
(Though I still struggle with the single-use plastics and waste that come from a lot of these mail-order companies. So please keep this in mind when making your suggestions!)
Addie x
P.S. Photo from a farmers market haul back in February. May my oldest always gets this excited over fresh, wholesome food.
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